Sunday 2 March 2014


Invite Only · By Brit Mcquarrie

[When] Friday, 7 March 2014
[Time] 19:00 Partly Cloudy 31°C / 25°C
[Description] The Plastic Oceans Foundation has been established to provide a powerful and effective platform campaigning for, supporting and funding targeted solutions aimed at significantly reducing plastic pollution in the environment. Plastic Pollution has become a man-made global catastrophe. Over the last 60 years plastic has become central to our lives and as a result mankind has subjected the planet to a tsunami of plastic waste. The scale of the problem is exponential - in the last 10 years the World has used more plastic than it did in the previous 100 years. In 2014 alone we will produce around 300 million tonnes of plastic; the ridiculous thing is that 50% of it will be used just once. The Plastic Oceans Foundation is dedicated to trying to solve the problems from the perspectives of Global waste, energy consumption, environmental impact and health. Key to the Foundation will be the production of a hard-hitting documentary. Plastic Oceans has brought together a team of the worlds top scientists and leading film makers to produce a powerful high-end film in full high definition. Through worldwide distribution, we intend to make the world sit up and take notice. The film will raise awareness, promote scientific research and initiate the development of solutions to the problem of plastics in our environment. For those of you who cannot make the event and would like to make a donation please see the below info for bank transfer and/or paypal Bank account for Plastic Oceans Donation: Bank: HSBC Account Number: 848-509147-838 Bank Swift: HSBCHKHHHKH Bank Address: No 1 Queen's Road. Central Hong Kong. PAYPAL email: PLASTIC OCEANS website: FACEBOOK PAGE:
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