Friday 11 October 2013

Request for small donation for HIV clinic Bali Peduli Event for Bali expats ·

By Ralph R. Klemp
[When] Today
[Description] Dear all, Yogi of the Bali Peduli , hiv screening klinik in Kuta, sees quite a number of patients with large, fungating masses of anal warts. (I can send disgusting pictures if you want..) We can treat with meds but the process is slow and requires many, many visits to paint the mess with wart meds. We could speed up the process with an electric cautery to debulk the mass by cutting away large portions all at once and then use the meds for clean up of the bits. This would be good for the patients and reduce the number of follow-up clinic visits. The cost of the cautery is 9,5 million. While not absolutely essential for our work, it would be added value for patient care. We are challenged a bit with funding at the moment and for that I put it out for group consideration. please if you care, any donation is most welcome from 10.000 rp to 10 million, ... you may either transfer to my paypal account at or directly to Bali Peduli: CIMB Niaga-RP acct# 4890100130005- USDollar acct#4890200008001-swift code BNIAIDJA .

Sastra Revolusioner di DOK (bersama Ubud Writers and Readers Festival)

 Event for DAPUR OLAH KREATIF (DOK) DENPASAR · By Dapur Olah Kreatif

[When] Today [Time] 16:00 Partly Cloudy 27°C
 [Description] Invitation. One of the agenda Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (UWRF), again held at the Sports Creative Kitchen (DOK). Events Saturday, October 12, 2013, at 16.00 to finish. Events: Warung Tresni, Draupadi road 54 Renon - Denpasar. Event a literary discussion with the theme "Revolutionary LITERATURE" and filled with DOK appearance Blues Band. Open to the public and free of charge. The authors present: Adek Dedees, Jan Nizami, Ilham Q Moehiddn, Mario F Lawi, Ramayda Akmal and Uda Agus. Chairman of DOK Putu Indrawan

SERONOK Event for Betelnut

 Events · By BetelNut Host and 4 others

[When] Today
 [Time] 17:45 until 19:30 Partly Cloudy 27°C
 [Description] SATURDAY, OCT 12, 2013 Time: 5:45PM – 7:30PM Entrance: Rp100k SERONOK in Malay = happy. SERONOK in Indonesian = ? [a salacious word, disproportionately associated with women] WOMEN. NEIGHBORS. FRENEMIES? ... Crafted by seven artists from four nationalities — written & performed by Abby Latif & Illya Sumanto (Malaysia), Khairani Barokka (Indonesia) & Elaine Foster (UK), with the artistry of musician/sound designers Ardi Kuhn & Cory Rogers (US) & visual artist Isha Hening (Indonesia), SERONOK is a multinational poetry-art-technology blast, where gender, culture, language & identity get loud. Watch Malaysian, Indonesian, & English do battle, tackling what it means to be where you’re from, in the body you’re in, with the hearts you have. After performing to enraptured audiences at Urbanscapes Festival and WORD! Fest (KL), and Dia.Lo.Gue Artspace in Jakarta, the fourth full run of the show sees the return of the Sarong Mafia at Ubud Writers and Readers Festival... With the generous support of Art For Women/PWAG and UWRF. Poet-Performers: Khairani Barokka (Indonesia) Elaine Foster (UK) Abby Latif (Malaysia) Illya Sumanto (Malaysia) Sound Design and Music: Ardi Kuhn (US) Cory Rogers (US) Visuals: Isha Hening (Indonesia) See press and media from our Jakarta premiere here!

PechaKucha Night UWRF Special Edition Event for Betelnut 

 Events · By Betel Nut and 4 others

[When] Today
[Time] 20:00 Partly Cloudy 27°C
[Description] PechaKucha Night Ubud celebrates a year of inspiring talks on the Betelnut stage, with a special edition for UWRF 2013. We welcome six festival guests to present in the fast, fun & engaging 20×20 format: 20 images, each for 20 seconds. Inventors of the format say that good PechaKucha presentations are ones that uncover the unexpected – so expect to discover more about the occupations & ideas of our guest speakers & meet the PechaKucha regulars & festival crowd in the ‘real’ talk that follows in Betelnut’s courtyard.

Stephen Lansing is a professor in the School of Anthropology at the University of Arizona, with a joint appointment in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. He is also an external professor at the Santa Fe Institute, birthplace of complexity theory, and a senior research fellow at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He has been a Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, the Institute of Advanced Study at Durham University, and the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology in Jakarta. As a Wesleyan undergraduate, Lansing spent six months on the Indonesian island of Bali, and promptly changed his major from physics to anthropology. In the 1980s, Lansing and ecologist James Kremer showed that Balinese water temple networks can self-organise. Later research showed that over the centuries, water temple networks expanded to manage the ecology of rice terraces at the scale of whole watersheds. In 2012, Bali’s water temple networks were recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage site. As the pieces of the water temple story were falling into place, Lansing became interested in self-organising processes elsewhere in the archipelago. In 2000 he began to work with Indonesian geneticists, linguists and public health officials to study the co-evolution of social structure, language change and disease resistance on 14 Indonesian islands. In 2013, he will be a visiting professor at Singapore’s new institute for complexity research, and an adviser on the governance system for Bali’s World Heritage

Cok Sawitri was born into a royal family in Karangasem, Bali, and has earned national recognition for her poems, short stories, novels and plays. Her writing weaves together spirituality with a strong sense of gender awareness. She is also a powerful actor and an accomplished director. GARIN NUGROHO Garin Nugroho (born 1961), comes from a literary family, as his father published novels in Javanese. Garin’s work spans many genres, ranging from film, theatre and art installation to books and newspapers. He is considered the pioneer of the new generation Indonesian avant-garde cinema. Garin’s films, from Opera Jawa to Daun di Atas Bantal, have been recognised at several international film festivals, including at Cannes, Venice and Berlin. Garin began his career as a film critic and documentary movie maker. His works investigate Indonesian social politics and problems in regions such as Papua, Aceh, Sumba, Java and Bali. Supported by the Indonesian Heritage Society

 A journalist for the past 24 years, Tosca Santoso is Managing Director of KBR, the largest independent radio news agency in Indonesia. He is concurrently Managing Director of Green Radio, a radio station in Jakarta that he also founded, which is pioneering environmental radio journalism. Tosca was at the heart of the struggle for media freedom in Indonesia during the latter years of Soeharto and was one of the founders, and the first Secretary General, of the first independent journalists association, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI). He was a member of Indonesian Press Council from 2003-2006. The winner of numerous awards in journalism, Tosca Santoso was named co-winner of the prestigious 2010 Knight International Journalism Award presented to him in Washington DC in November, 2010. In the same year, he received a Social Communication and Change Award, from Queensland University of Technology (Australia). In 1995, he won the Rob Bakker Award, from the International Federation of Journalists. Tosca Santoso is also a social entrepreneur who has pioneered the implementation of innovative solutions to development challenges in a sustainable way. In recognition of this work, he was made an Ashoka fellow in 2006, and was also named Indonesian Social Entrepreneur of the Year in 2010 by Earnst and Young and the Schwab Foundation. Sarongge (2012) is his first novel. He also wrote : Gelombang Kebebasan, story of KBR, radio news agency and edited books such as Seni Wawancara Radio (2000), Peristiwa 27 Juli (Jakarta Crackdwon and Terbunuhnya Udin (Udin’s murder), 1997 Supported by Hivos

Marcus Westbury is the founder of creative projects ‘Renew Newcastle’ and ‘Renew Australia’. His background is as a writer broadcaster, media maker and festival director who has been responsible for some of Australia’s more innovative, unconventional and successful cultural projects and events. In 2008, with his own funds and energy, Marcus founded ‘Renew Newcastle’, a low-budget, not-for-profit, DIY urban renewal scheme that has brokered access to more than 50 empty buildings for more than 100 creative enterprises, artists and cultural projects in his hometown of Newcastle, NSW. As a festival director Marcus was a founder of Newcastle’s This Is Not Art festival, now Newcastle’s largest annual tourism event and one the largest media arts events in the world. From 2002 to 2006, Marcus was the Artistic Director of Melbourne’s Next Wave Festival and a director of Festival Melbourne 2006, the Cultural Program of the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games. He also co-founded Free Play, Australia’s largest independent computer games developers’ conference. He has written a regular column for The Age newspaper, co-written an arts guidebook for the Australia Council, and a love-hate tourist guide to Newcastle. His writing about media, culture and politics has been published in GriffithREVIEW, Meanjin, Crikey, the Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, several anthologies, journals, and countless web sites. In 2007 and 2008 Marcus was the writer and presenter of ‘Not Quite Art’ on ABC1, awarded the ‘Best Arts Show of the Year’ by the Sydney Morning Herald.

Suzy Hutomo is the co-owner and CEO of The Body Shop in Indonesia. She believes that all businesses should be sustainable, and is passionate that Planet-People-Profit becomes the mantra of every business person. Suzy moved to Bali in 2012. She is a yoga enthusiast and leads a healthy lifestyle. Suzy is involved with several environmental organizations in Indonesia and in South East Asia and she is a presenter with Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project.

rudolf Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, former band manager and librarian-in-progress, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it: the grand master of music propaganda—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, whom have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands. Currently based in Sydney, and busier than ever, the author of the first ever history of modern music in Bali, Blantika | Linimasa, is in the midst of writing a script for a music documentary movie and will soon release his second book, a band biography. Not only did he used to be the chairman of a non-governmental Dutch-Indonesian music foundation, OneDollarForMusic, he co-founded one of the biggest creative-industry events in Indonesia, Bali Creative Festival, and a few months ago Dethu and his buddies started an independent online radio, Rebel Radio Indonesia but, having produced his own alternative music program since 1998, he’s hardly a new face on the anti-mainstream radio scene and the success of Rebel Radio Indonesia is proof. Now, while regularly writing his own columns in The Beat Bali and The Beat Jakarta, he constantly upgrades his academic qualifications. Having successfully chaired ‘Building Communities Through Music’ at UWRF 2011, Dethu returns to the festival, bringing with him his unquantifiable knowledge of music, publishing and politics in Indonesia



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