Sunday 13 October 2013

INDONESIA: THROUGH DARKNESS TO LIGHT, a betelNut panel discussion

Event for Betelnut Events · By BetelNut Host and 4 others

[When] Monday
[Time] 17:00 until 19:00 Partly Cloudy 30°C / 24°C
[Description] MONDAY, OCT 14, 2013 05:00 - 07:00 PM
FREE community event
INDONESIA: THROUGH DARKNESS TO LIGHT In post-Soeharto Indonesia, the country has been moving from gloom toward the light promised by Reformasi. What are Indonesia’s challenges today? Religious conflict? Corruption? Slow progress of reform in politics, the bureaucracy, education, infrastructure, and leadership? Change is slow compared to economic growth, and people are getting impatient. How it will this play out in the next big elections in 2014?
These questions are discussed by a panel of leading thinkers:
Aristides Katoppo (Co-Founder of Sinar Harapan newspaper)
Adam Schwarz (journalist, author and political observer)
Michael Vatikiotis (Asia Regional Director at Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva and former Editor-in-Chief of Far Eastern Economic Review)
Goenawan Mohamad (columnist, poet, Co-Founder of Tempo Media Group).
Moderator: Wayan Juniartha (Journalist, Jakarta Post).
[Description] MONDAY, OCT 14, 2013 05:00 - 07:00
PM FREE community event
INDONESIA: THROUGH DARKNESS TO LIGHT In post-Soeharto Indonesia, the country has been moving from gloom toward the light promised by Reformasi. What are Indonesia’s challenges today? Religious conflict? Corruption? Slow progress of reform in politics, the bureaucracy, education, infrastructure, and leadership? Change is slow compared to economic growth, and people are getting impatient. How it will this play out in the next big elections in 2014?
These questions are discussed by a panel of leading thinkers:
Aristides Katoppo (Co-Founder of Sinar Harapan newspaper)
Adam Schwarz (journalist, author and political observer)
Michael Vatikiotis (Asia Regional Director at Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva and former Editor-in-Chief of Far Eastern Economic Review)
Goenawan Mohamad (columnist, poet, Co-Founder of Tempo Media Group).
Moderator: Wayan Juniartha (Journalist, Jakarta Post).

Juniartha is a full-time journalist who finds solace in crafting essays following his tragically failed attempt in writing poetry. His first and probably last book, Bungklang-Bungkling, records the hilarity and ludicrousness of Balinese men.
Michael Vatikiotis is a writer and novelist who has lived in Southeast Asia since 1987. He has published two novels set in Indonesia and two collections of short stories. His latest novel The Painter of Lost Souls, set in Central Java, is about the tension between Islam and the syncretic Hindu roots of Javanese culture, seen through the eyes of a young painter. The Painter of Lost Souls is Michael Vatikiotis’ fourth book of fiction, following The Spice Garden (2004), a novel of sectarian violence in Maluku, and two acclaimed short-story collections: Debatable Land and Singapore Ground Zero. Formerly a journalist for the BBC and chief editor of the Far East Economic Review, Vatikiotis now lives in Singapore and works for the Geneva-based Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, which engages in third party mediation in armed conflict
Aristides Katoppo is the Co-Founder, Publisher and Chairman of the daily news paper Sinar Harapan, out of Jakarta, Indonesia. The publication was shut down by Suharto’s New Order Regime in 1988, but has resumed operations till now since the Post- Suharto “Reformasi” period started.
Goenawan Mohamad is an Indonesian poet and man of letters who was born in Batang, Central Java in 1941. To mark his 70th birthday, several of his works were republished, including Marxisme, Seni, dan Pembebasan (Marxism, the Arts, Emancipation), Indonesia/Proses (Indonesia/Process) and Puisi dan Antipuisi (Poetry and Antipoetry). His latest volumes of poetry are Don Quixote (2011)and 70 Puisi (70 Poems). His plays have been published in Tan Malaka dan Tiga Lakon lain. He is the founder and editor of Tempo magazine in Indonesia, which was twice forcibly closed by the Suharto’s New Order administration because of its vocal criticism of the authoritarian regime. In 1999, Mohamad was named International Editor of the Year by World Press Review magazine. In 1998, he was one of four winners of the CPJ International Press Freedom Awards and in 2006 he received the prestigious Dan David Prize As a writer, Goenawan Mohamad is well known for his weekly column in Tempo, ‘Catatan Pinggir’ (‘Sidelines’), which is mainly commentary and critique on current affairs and media headlines. He expressed criticism of one-dimensional, narrow-minded viewpoints and thoughts in ‘Sidelines’, which have been compiled into six books. In ‘Sidelines’, Mohamad always concludes his columns with questions or open-ended comments intended to encourage readers to continue thinking. Mohamad was one of the founders of the Lontar Foundation and is on the international advisory board of the human rights group
Based in Southeast Asia since 1987, Adam Schwarz has written extensively on Indonesia, including A Nation in Waiting, a highly acclaimed work on contemporary Indonesian history. Living as a journalist, author and political observer in Indonesia before and during ‘reformasi’ his books lifted the veil on Suharto’s Indonesia and chart the journey through the era of democracy. His latest article appeared in Wall Street Journal, 24 Sept 2013, How Indonesia Lost its Growth Mojo, describes long-term competitiveness challenge facing the Indonesian economy.

RUMAH DI SERIBU OMBAK (House of a Thousand Waves) Event for Betelnut

Events · By BetelNut Host and 3 others

[When] Monday
[Time] 19:15 until 21:30 Partly Cloudy 30°C / 24°C
[Description] MONDAY, OCT 14th 2013 7:15pm-9;30pm Film Program FREE Community event RUMAH DI SERIBU OMBAK (House of a Thousand Waves) The novel Rumah di Seribu Ombak, released early last year, became a best-seller in bookstores across the country. The film tells a dramatic tale of friendship and pluralism between two childhood friends, set in poor rural areas in Singaraja, Bali. Directed by Erwin Arnada Produced by Erwin Arnada, Eko Kristianto, Ella Written by Jujur Prananto (screenplay), Erwin Arnada (novel, Rumah di Seribu Ombak) Starring Risjad Aden, Dedey Rusma, Bianca Oleen, Riman Jayadi, Andiana Suri, Andre Julian, Jerinx SID, Lukman Sardi, Tania Grace Music by Thoersi Argeswara, Gung Alit Bona Erwin Arnada (born 17 October 1963) is an Indonesian journalist and filmmaker. Born to a devout Muslim family in Jakarta, Arnada became interested in journalism in 1984, and, after a time as a photographer, he interned at the weekly Editor. Beginning in 1990 he took editorial roles in various print media, including the controversial tabloid Monitor. Arnada entered cinema in 2000, producing several films for Rexinema. After establishing Playboy Indonesia in 2006 Arnada became the center of controversy, as Islamic groups such as the Islamic Defenders Front protested the magazine as indecent – despite it not featuring any nudity. After an extended series of trials Arnada was convicted by the Supreme Court of Indonesia and sentenced to two years in prison, beginning in October 2010. He was released the following June, when the court reversed its decision. In 2012 Arnada was nominated for a Citra Award for Best Director for his film Rumah di Seribu Ombak, based on a novel he had written in prison.


Public · By Pyramid
[When] Monday
[Time] 23:00 until 07:00
[Where] Jl. Dewi Sri 33, Bali, Indonesia
[Description] in collaboration with STADIUM JAKARTA present BOBBY SURYADI vs. SHAMMUI MONDAY 14th OCTOBER 11PM ONWARDS



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